So, some updates on RpG related activities. You know that RP I liked so much? Well, it died, but I've found some that I like. It's not all bad, I just kind of wish people wouldn't have stopped posting in it. The ones that were posting (myself included) couldn't post anything more once the others stopped because our posts were dependent on theirs. But like I said, it's okay ^~^ I've joined a few others.
The ones I joined or made were scifi westerns (Firefly/Serenity-type). Those are fun ^~^ My characters for the two I'm in are a "Peng Saleswoman" (though technically she's a spy/merc and I don't specifically say she sells Peng.) The other is a mechanic on a pirate ship (space pirates on Mars, but generally operating on one of Jupiter's moons, Io, which is also my character's home planet), but she's currently deceiving the pirates alongside a bounty hunter.

Okay, other Guild news: I'm getting annoyed by certain members who can't be...verbally graceful. Especially one who apparently said she was older and used a friend's sister's picture. I still like her as a friend, though, and if for some strange reason she's reading this: Please PM me. I don't hate you and haven't said anything behind your back. You know who you are.
I've gotten yelled at a lot lately, most of it happening yesterday. My mom yelled at me over something out of my control (inconvenient panic attacks at my sister's birthday party) and, what hurt more: I got yelled at by the person I love over a cult I started (not for starting the cult, but for accepting too many people). Of course, I hold nothing against either one. They both have their reasons. I just don't like being yelled at. And...I managed to go the whole day without crying! I'm so proud of myself ^~^
As promised, here's a song by the same artist that I posted yesterday! (Lauren O'Connell, youtube user LaurenOC12)